(KK is the 2nd from your left above)
You might catch him animatedly rehearsing a script for a play production on the lawns of Max Muller Bhavan (German Cultural Institute).Or maybe if you visit Amethyst or Barista or one of these coffee houses you might find him amidst college folks and 20 somethings. Or he might have just strolled into landmark, wearing pijama pants, and a faded shirt ,wanting to pick up something about Absurd theatre. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Krishna Kumar Santhanagopalan (KK for those of us who know him). Quite simply he is the reason why English theatre became accessible to hundreds of people who would not come under the bracket of “the elite” in this city. This man in his early 40s,sporting a stubble and an absent minded look, threw away the cushion of an I.T job to do theatre for a living. It must be truly frustrating to be KK.I mean so many of us have come and gone (joined and moved from Masquerade, his theatre group). Almost none probably has even a glimmer of this man’s passion for the creative. Some angry young college kids, like I was when I worked with him - rebels without a cause. Most others wannabe guys and girls doing theatre because its cool or whatever. And yet year after year this man sustains his energy and passion for his art, constantly innovating and figuring out new things. I was never great as an actor. In fact most people who work with him are bloody lucky as no other Director of substance would consider us even as a prop. But with KK more than talent it is willingness to work and passion that matter. Lack of sponsors,dearth of good artists, and indeed an immature audience, none can keep this man down. He just goes on and on,and on, even though most of us, have moved on from theatre. Krishna Kumar is a great inspiration for all of us, to not lose touch with our inner-self, and follow our dreams. Not all of us can take an extreme decision like throwing away our jobs to follow our passion. Which is why people like KK are special. Urban life with its pressures and compulsions would be a dud if it were not for folks of his irk. Artists and creative people are the very guardians of our soul constantly reminding us not to lose our identity in the hustle and buzzle of the rat race.
I am reminded of the words of Shakespeare in one of his Sonnets and it reads as follows: "Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to bend". The would fit in to the T as far as KK is concerned. KK's love for the theater can never die. I would like to end this with two simple words in Tamil which would bring solace to KK : KK unakku "KURAI ONRUM ILLAI KANNA".
Thanks Ramana!
Thanks to people like KK, the dwellers of the modern world do not forget the creative energy that lies behind the grey curtain of daily work and routine. Making young people aware of their hidden capacities is a great thing.
There was a dialogue in the film Gajini where surya tells “ Kashtapattu saiyathavida, isthapattu senja munaralam. Nice to know about KK.
Absolutely. KK gave me chances which i would never have got so easily had i been working elsewhere.he took a gamble and gave me a role knowing fully well that i had almost no experience.his most unique characteristic is his approachability - just take a look at the way he works with young teenagers (in Landing stage) and u'll agree.look at the opportunities he has given to young actors.sure each of us have had our own ambitions and career in mind, thereby moving away from theatre like u said, and that's normal.but KK is mighty lucky to have two amazing girls by his side who have committed themselves to Masquerade - Manasi and Aruna.Bless them..
KK has his quirks,his views his hilarious jokes during rehearsals - but where will theatre be without mavericks like him?!
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