Saturday, August 06, 2005
It Is Not Them Versus Us!
I guess that some of my articles have created an impression of me being anti-west. This is certainly not the case. We live in an age where we are asked to take black and white, and often over simplistic stances. Objecting to lopsided globalization, gets you branded as a commie. The truth is I don’t see the west as our enemy. I love their books, watch their movies and appreciate the individualistic western mind. We wear their clothes and speak their language, and this cultural exchange between the west and the east are certainly healthy. We need to progress towards humanity as one.
The citizens of some of the nations whose policy’s I oppose to are also victims of their government’s decisions . They are told half-truths and lies, by their ruling classes who do a excellent job of selling them the them vs us spiel. I cannot speak about eastern society as a whole, but certainly as far as urban India (which controls the rest of this country) is concerned opposing ‘liberalization’ makes you several things from a hypocrite to being anti progress! I honestly believe that, people who feel very comfortable in their little cozy zones and are in denial about anything existing outside it, are threatened by leftist thinking.
Leftist. This is not equal to Communist or Stalinist or what ever else it is conveniently assumed to be. It is raising one's voice in protest against exploitation and vested interests in various forms and disguises. It is questioning mindless carnage, both ecological and human perpetrated in the name of development. I hope attempting to project a more real picture of what happens in the name of citizens, “for whom” their governments are working, does not make you bad! Stating that Bush and Hussein are both deranged despots is merely stating the truth and does not make you anti-American and “backward thinking”.
We live in strange times. I am sure lots of you are jumping to point out the million contradictions and compromises in my life. Since when did one have to become an unworldly and renunciated soul to have a certain worldview? Acknowledging that one is used to a particular way of life, and yet believing that we must weed out the elements that need weeding out in the world, is far less pretentious. And for the nth time it is not them versus us! It is all of us, who believe in a fairer, more equal world versus the enemies of a civilized and equitable world.
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Sidd I am a 56 year old American and I have never been a victim of my government in any way, shape or form. I have more freedom than most of the rest of the people in this world. My ancestors came here from Scotland in 1720 seeking it! Communists like to run down everything about America mainly because they envy us. Leftists do it too, but it doesn't matter. America will endure !
what abt the gun laws in ur country paul?who do u think benifits from that?real guns are available(licensed and unlicensed)there like toys ones r available in my country!who is responsible for the high school shootings?the guys who frame ur laws..why isnt ur govt signing the kyoto protocol on pollution control despite knowing current pollution levels are hazardous 4 u guys?
paul did u know 13% of all eligible black voters are prevented from voting in ur country?any regime which is uncivilized will be over thrown..we have seen that happenning in former east germany,the soviet union and we will see that in america unless ur govt mends its ways..and even supposing america never colapses what is the price all of us have 2 pay?u ever tht of that?
All of the Black Americans I know can vote or not as they choose Sidd. We have that right here unlike Saudi Arabia or Somalia e.g.. I believe in the right to own a gun. The Islamofascists do too! As for Kyoto ask the government. What about Kashmir Sidd and the Tamil Tigers? Problems there ? America is an idea as much as a country. I see a lot of your countrymen over here. Can you explain the reason why they are here Sidd? :)
Hi Siddharth, very good article! The problem is the easy categorization:
when you are not A, you must be B - when you are not with us, you are against us...
Instead, as you said, "we need to progress towards humanity as one" - going beyond these limitations.
paul do look up and u will find tht the stats i gve abt d afro americans is farenheit 9/11 to know abt how george the terrible got elected!!u might also realise when u watch the film that the wishes of of the afro amercian and even some other members of ur congress were side stepped after the florida fiasco!
as for my govmnt's policy on kashmir when did i ever say i agree with them on that?there is an article on tht issue in my archives..both india and pak have been playing dirty politics at the cost of the kashmiris
as for the tamil tigers..they are banned in india if u din know..while they have done a lot of terrible things like assassiate rajiv gandhi..they are fighting for the tamil ppl of indian origin in lanka..the tamils of lanka have been neglected historically by the lankan govt..the brits just left and the legitimate fight for a tamil state was never recognised
in lanka..india's govmnt sent an army 2 help colombo fight tamils in that fair?the tigers means are wrong,but certainly not their ends..
indians in usa..1st of all u should ask them!..2ndly isnt it clear from my views which we have already discussed that ur govmnt is d problm not ur country!so what's wrong with indians or anyone else coming there!!!
Christian let me ask you a question. When is a terrorist a terrorist? "Humanity as one" sounds good in principle, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Are you wanting a utopia? It ain't gonna happen! Michael Moore is a boob and most Americans do not like him or agree with him. Leftists do and some Liberals, but we know why. Sidd Gandhi was assasinated by a Hindu fanatic less we forget. (The Mahatma I mean). Hindu and Muslim have lived uneasily in India for centuries before the Raj. As for the Tamil Tigers, they qualify as terrorists and helped invent suicide bombing.. Ask the Buddhists of Sri lanka (Ceylon). I have asked Indians why they are here in America. Better life,freedom,more opportunities. We welcome them,but this is America not India. By the way Sidd why was India partitioned?
Paul, it is just about wanting to make the world a better place and having an idea about it. Is that utopian? You said that "America is an idea as much as a country". Please tell us of this idea. And then - how can this idea bring happiness to the world? Isn´t this idea utopian itself?
Please also tell me when a terrorist is a terrorist..
America's story is well known. You can read it in any American history book Christian. Why do people come to America ? For hope and freedom. We aren't trying to bring happiness to the world. Let the world find it's own happiness . We all seek it in our own way. A terrorist is a Tamil Tiger,an Ira gunman, Hamass, Al Qaeda,Baader-Meinhof e.g.. Terrorists come in every race,creed and color. However, I am certain you have your own ideas on the subject and that is fine. All I say is let me live in peace and I shall do likewise. Attack me and reap the whirlwind. I am all for peacefull coexistence. Utopia means "nowhere" in Latin by the way.
"Let the world find it´s own happiness."
"Let me live in peace and I shall do likewise" - That´s all fine!
But who is disturbing this peace? It´s much too easy to answer abstractly by making "terrorism" responsible for every conflict. (just to continue your list with some american terrorists: what about Timothy McVeigh and what about the Ku-KLux-Klan? As you said, there are terrorists coming from any creeds and nations)
By putting it in a more concrete context, the word "terrorism" may reveal its own relativity (that does not mean that the destruction of the WTC can be relativated): Maybe in earlier days the British would have called George Washington or Braveheart (as you said your ancestors are scottish) "terrorists".
Who is the attacker and who is the attacked? It´s not always as simple as some politicians and media want to make us believe. The fight for getting access to oil-reserves seems to be the real motive for the present wars. But forcing your neighbour that he will give you his oil does not mean letting him lead a peaceful life?!
I do not accept Bin Laden and other terrorists who kill innocent people - be it in the name of a so-called "religious" ideology or not.. As you have asked me before about blaming these terrorists, you can read it at the 14th comment on Siddharth´s articel "And if they wrong us shall we not revenge?".
Thank you Christian for condemning terrorism even that committed against America. My philosophy (Thanks to William Shakespeare) is succinct. "Revenge is best served cold".
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