Major calamities have a way of bringing out the best in us. We have been hearing so many stories of despair after the earthquake that struck Pakistan and India last weekend. Amidst all this both the Pakistani and our jawans^, through some spontaneous gestures of compassion and kindness have put to shame the politicians of both our countries.
On Tuesday some jawans near the LoC in Pakistan administered Kashmir had been trapped under debris when a bunker had collapsed. They called out to the Indian jawans just a few feet away, on our side, for help. Without sanction from the authorities our jawans crossed over to the Pakistani side and along with some of their jawans rescued the trapped jawans and returned.
There was another incident which Barkha Dutt narrated, reporting from Uri in Indian administered Kashmir. Apparently a few of our jawans had accidentally crossed over to their side during a rescue operation. They were met with neither hostility nor arrest. The Pakistani’s promptly returned them in an unprecedented act of camaraderie. Through these moving gestures the humble jawans have proven once again that,we, the people of both our countries, think of each other as sisters and brothers.
^Jawan - foot soldier
Do visit this site set up to provide help to those affected by the earthquake
Superb post. Well blogged indeed!
This just goes to show you the true sentiments of the Indians and Pakistanis towards each other. The politicians can lie and incite hatered towards the other country but the general populace are far more intelligent than they are given credit for.
PS. Siddhart I emailed you regarding the earthquake issue (about a campaign I am involved with) please email me your feedback when you receive it.
That was a nice gesture!. We need more in those lines. But it is sad that only disasters like these brings us together.
I read some news that closely resembled this account, but it may have been modified to a certain extent since it was printed in a western newspaper. In any case, this is simply one example of how we (Pakistanis and Indians) are inherently alike as fellow human beings. There is compassion, patriotism, warmth, amiability, generousity, courtesy and all common positive traits and that we treat each others as human beings first, and with our nationalities second. May both our nations live peacefully and become powerful regional allies who eventuall determine important global decisions hand-in-hand.
Indeed, that's a great show of humanity at the time of needs... and good post at the appropriate time, Siddharth. All these fond of land, property, wealth, etc., comes only after the humanity.. I agree 100%.
Siddharth...really good gesture. Feels really good to read such incidents.
On the other hand, I am not sure we should be carried away in believing that the comradrie cuts across to everybody on both sides. On the surface both sides are courteous to each other and there is not absence of civility. But scratch the surface, you will find fundamental differences between the 2 nations and their people.
May be not in culture, but in perspective. Most importantly in the way they view their births itself. And kashmir is a festering wound.
Tell me this. If the comradrie is so good, would Pak give up its claim on Kashmir and return POK back to India. Or would India, recognize the aspirations of the kashmiri people (hypothetically) and so hand over kashmir over to Pak.
I dont see that happening. So lets not stretch this too much.
There has been a sea change post kargil 1999,in the general attitude of Pakistan.All this since Musharraf took over and despite some of his faults,he deserves some credit.It was nice reading ur account of the events.If only the earthquake trapped the whole Osama unit under the rubble...wherever they are.
That is were we know we are all humans after all...that is were we realize that the lines between us are all fake.
And that is exactly what I want India/Pak to be...! I hope it will happen sometime...maybe not in my lifetime.!!
I hope the best for the help of the people in Kashmir and for peace and solidarity among the people in Indian and Pakistan!
In times of natural disaster people tend to come together. I wish we could do it on a permanent basis Sidd.
when any one is in danger, should not see he is enemi or terrerist, we should help them, they are humans.
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