It has been a mad fortnight. Our house got flooded once and barely escaped a couple of days back. Last week when the water came in it got so bad that my sister floated paper boats across my room! I almost felt like Gabriel Oak of Far From The Madding Crowd!!! Man is a helpless bystander in the wake of nature’s fury. Literally. But over the last few days it is not the floods which has bothered me the most. The political opportunism of the main opposition party of this state has got me plain repulsed.
I think the AIADMK government in Tamil Nadu has dealt with the crisis affecting the state very appropriately and efficiently given the circumstance. Efforts are being made to provide adequate relief to those people most adversely affected by the flood. The electricity board in the city immediately cut power in all areas where chances of electrocution were high and yet ensured that safer areas had power supply. I am not very sure about other parts of the state, but at least here in Madras, victims mainly in northern parts, are being taken care of well.
Instead of standing by the government in this time of crisis, the opposition party is busy making use of the situation to score brownie points and manipulate the public opinion especially through ‘news reports’ aired in its mouthpiece TV channel. Shame on you guys! You cannot sink lower! During any natural disaster fatalities are inevitable. Aparently the stampede in a relief camp on Sunday was in some absurd way the Chief Minister Jayalalitha’s fault! Anyone with a modicum of sense will know that when several people have been displaced and left without food and shelter they get desparate. In this case their desperation unfortunately led to the death of 6 women killed when several people scampered for rice and clothes, which were being distributed.
I am by no means saying that the current state government is above censure. Its excesses especially during the current Chief Minister’s 1st term in office are public knowledge. But as far as the current crisis is concerned they have managed the situation very well. For some unfathomable reason Madras has always been a stronghold of the opposition party. I sincerely hope that the shameless way in which these guys have been spreading false rumors ensures that a few more people from our city vote against the rising sun during the assembly elections this year.
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Former President of India
May his soul rest in peace
I hope your family and your house is all right now, again! I did not know that it was so heavy. The monsoon is still going on?
99% of all politicians only think at their career and power..
Ive heard that the rains this year are the worst in recent memory. I hope everythings back to normal at your house!
Oh dear! I had no idea it was that bad there! I hope you and your family are doing good. It's so sad to hear that the politicians are using the sympathy of the people to gain popularity and defame the opposition. I wonder why we, the people allow governments to do whatever they life. I wish someday, there would be one faithful politician that would actually care about the people. Take care of yourself, brother, and make sure you stack up on clean water, and emergency supplies.
I am glad you are doing fine.!!
Like you said Shame on the Govt. It is during this time that the parties should join hands rather than throw mud on each others' face.!
This is the price we pay for encroachements and poor planning and lack of civic sense. and not to forget the corrupt politicians.!
I read one story in Kumudam on how the politicians are 'suruttufying' the relief money.. Eriyara veetleyum thirudura pichaikaranga.. Cha..
Hope mother nature cools down and stops the rains.. Enough !!!
I hope you and your family are safe form flood. What you said is very true friend, the DMK and his alliance are taking this situation, (not only in this flood, in all incidents they have some thing to attack ADMK) for their practice. But the current government had stopped floods in many Villages. Yesterday also I read in paper, an DMK MLA is stopping the people, not to close the broken Lake, people put Vote for them to doing like this?
DMK please, cooperate with Government.
frankly it pleasantly surprised me that the govt here acted most efficiently compared to those in other flood hit cities like Mumbai and B'lore.Good on them.I feel rather sorry for those in North Madras,having to contend with snakes and Russel's Vipers on top of the deluge.feel so glad to be cocooned in the south.
We're getting water supply finally, though. :-) And I hear that according to the almanac, it will not rain like this again for the next forty-five years.
this is not regarding this particular article or anything.ive been reading ur blog regularly .so i just thought ill respong on it for once.hope ur doing fine ramani...and which reminds me there is a brilliant book by your name.siddhartha ...u must have read it ,seems liek something u wd like.also try steppenwolf by same author.hope ur doing fine anyways.im totally in touch with you because of your blogs.i check mail pretty regularly now,so i also check ur blog regularly .keep sendign me the updates.nice way to keep in touch somehow.bye.regards to ur family
hope you and your family is doing good now! Your site is realy cool,
b careful they say the cyclone is supposed to hit!
Anyways i have another doubt, do u support jayalalitha?
Pls clarify my doubt! its just out of plain curiosity..
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