Monday, July 25, 2005

“And If You Wrong Us Shall We not Revenge?”-Shylock

At least 3,767 civilians killed by Allied troops during the illegal air strikes on Afganistan(*1).Oh I am sorry its ‚“liberation’’.Over 9000 civilians killed in ‚“freeing’’ Iraq(*2).The world looks away(did it even happen?).50 mostly British people killed by ,“terrorists’’in London.How sad! The world mourns(it better!) for the loss of innocent bystanders killed by,“barbarian terrorists’’.The former is the price of freedom?The latter is terrorism?Who said so?CNN and BBC.Empire and its sidekick.USA and “Great’’Britian. Iraqi army ‚“slaughters’’ 100,000 Kurds.Empire murders 120,000(and about twice that many in time) innocents in Japan by a toy called the atomic bomb. Saddam Hussein is the perpetrator of a hideous genocide.What does that make Harry Truman who ordered the Japan bombings?Unlucky for not having won the Nobel Prize for peace probably!During the 1991 Gulf War around 22,000 Iraqis were killed by coalition forces(*3).Did the world weep in unison?I wonder! 2,752 1st World citizens blown away on 9/11 by Muslim ‚“fundementalists’’.This becomes the greatest tragedy in the history of humanity? Mr.Empire and Mr.Sidekick,like Arundathi Roy says,“Welcome to the real world!’’.You can plunder and invade any country you want?You can conjure from thin air non exsistant ‚“weapons of mass destruction’’,and use that as an excuse to illegally occupy nations? You can desimate entire civilian populations time and time again?You can abuse POW’s and violate the Geneva convention?You can,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc(add a million more etcs to that) and get away with it scot free?Like hell you can!Boss wake up! I do not support the Jihadi fundementalists.I just see them as reactive forces created by neoimperialism and state sponsored terrorism.Cause and effect.People worldwide are reacting to and fighting Empire and the evil it perpetrates.Those of us who are moderates believe in civil disobedience.Some more directly affected and scarred turn to violence.Their justification?Shylock’s justification in The Merchant Of Venice.Solution?Confront the source of the problem, and not the product of the source.Let us raise our voice together as one world against imperialism.And by one world i mean inclusive of the citizens in Empire and its chamcha nations,who are not to be blamed for the sins of their ruling classes. Sources- *1-Study done byMarc Herold,Economics professor, University of New Hampshire *2-Guardian Newspapers Limited *3-Wikipedia


expertdabbler said...


That was simply wonderful!!!awesome.keep it up mate..

tt_giant said...

man.. ur numbers are not correct.. its 27,000 civilians in iraq(2). will read and comment later.

Klingsor said...

Yes, Mr. Paul, such crimes were not only commited by the western countries. But one must see that the ethnic conflicts in Africa are mainly results of the alienation caused by the european colonialism and the economic unjustice that began in the era of colonialism and that is continued now by today´s neoimperialists.
46 % of the world population have less than 2$/day, while the inhabitants of the "first world" (~15 % of the world´s population) have 80 % of the world´s wealth. And the wars of the US are just "legitimated" in the name of defending that status quo. Talking of "liberation" and "freedom" in this perspective is more than hypocritical!

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that to this day people are flocking to America and Europe in droves. Why is that Mr. Christian? The ethnic conflicts in Africa existed before the colonil period even began. Feel free to follow the Socialists,Communist,Bathists,Taliban or any other agenda that you desire. I am all for freedom !

Siddharth said...

paul,1st of all,christian is a citizen of the 1st world...he is a german...his views only affirm what a lot of us believe-some of the strongest oposition to neoimperialism comes from the 1st world...u might have heard of a guy called noam chomsky,very much ur countryman whom ur 'corpratized media' as arundati roy(a booker prize winning indian author)calls ur nbc,cnn,voa,etc,etc chooses to ignore because he posses some uncomfortable questions...u mention Bathists and the Taliban...i hope u know that they were monsters created by your country's cia...usa turned the other way when kurds were being aided al-queda in fighting russians...who do u think gave them the artillery to fight d soviets?look closer paul.neoimperialism is evil and barbarian...and we all(the citizens of america included)need to fight it...who ever comes 2 power there is only concerned about safeguarding the rights of ur giant fortune 500 industrialists...y else would america not sign the kyoto protocol when every other major country has done so?basically ur govt does not care if u guys are exposed to pollution and a million other things...paul dont believe everything ur govt/media is not usa vs rest of the is all of us(u guys included)versus uncle sam style imperialism perpetrated by the guys who rule u...i love billy joel's song we didnt start the fire.unfortunately i have 2 disagree with him.ur government very much DID start the fire...and if u guys dont do something abt what they are doing 2 the rest of the world...america and americans will be isolated till doomsday...i hope that does not u guys the common folk of america are innocent bystanders manipulated like the rest of the world by ur perverted rulers...

Anonymous said...

Sidd I have an open mind and do not agree with everything my government says. In America you can still disagree with your government. You give the American government far too much credit. I have hear of Chomsky and Roy. Chomsky I do not like very much. Roy I have no opinion on at this stage. What is going on here is right versus wrong and truth versus lies. Like Gandhi I favor the truth regardless of who gets blinded by it's light. I can list many things that my country handled badly and I do e.g. the Kurds in Iran,The Tutsis in Rwanda,The Bosnian genocide. What other Western countries acn you name that have sleletons in their closets? How about France,Germany to begin? Let us tell the whole truth Sidd. I am all for it.

Klingsor said...

Beginning with Germany: it is no question that the US-Army liberated the Europeans including the Germans from the crimes commited by the Germans, from nazi-ideology, madness and genocide. And in general, it is certain that the people who were liberated by the Americans were treated much better than those liberated by the Soviet-Army (to be fair to the Soviets one must say that their people did suffer a lot in the war - but that is no relativation of the crimes commited by the Stalinists).

But facing now the situation after 1989: the real problem is the huge inequality in the world. And I think the moral problem is that most of the "first world"-people do not realize what is going on in countries like Somalia, Niger or Sudan. They just do not want to feel responsible, shut their eyes and dream of their cars, football-matches and celebrities or whatever.
Leading a "war against terrorism" is not only a very uncreative "solution" - it is just one more expression of the "first world´s" ignorance (and not only the US is to be blamed)!

Anonymous said...

Why is there a war against terrorism going on ? Because the terrorists are killing and maiming innocent people indiscriminately ! Is it ignorant to defend yourself Mr. Christian? As for poverty et cetera in the third world, I think the whole world could do a lot more and that includes my own country. On that we do agree. However,in general, I do not feel that people in the West and developed countries are as uncaring as you presume them to be. After all the aid that has gone to Africa for example came almost totally from the West! Finally I believe that poverty does not make one more virtuous in and of itself. I have met some wealthy people who are virtuous. Virtue, or goodness, is not dictated by economic station per se.

Klingsor said...

But where is the logical connection between the terror attacks in New York and the war in Iraq?

Anonymous said...

The logical connection is terrorism !!

Klingsor said...

"Terrorism" in Iraq occured in 2003 - after the US-invasion. The weapons Mr. Rumsfeld was looking for did never exist. And the occupation gave the terrorists a motive for the attacks in Madrid and London.
The American philosopher Richard Rorty called the "war against terrorism" being more dangerous than terrorism itself.
Why is there so much fear?

Anonymous said...

Islamofascists did not need a motive to attack Madrid and London Christian. They have indulged in these attacks for years prior to the invasion of Iraq! You like to blame America so admit it. Let me hear you denounce Islamofascism and Benladenism. If you are indeed honest? :)

Klingsor said...

Hi Paul,
"denouncing the Islamofascists" certainly is not very difficult. I don´t want to live in a country where civil rights and free self-expression are oppressed by a "theocratic" regime. I don´t like the possibility of my friends and family getting bombed by terrorists in my home-town. I don´t like Burkhas. I believe in a modern, secular society where there is no place for religious dogmatism in public life.

And the thing for me is not blaming America as such. I love the music of Bob Dylan, Neil Young (OK, he´s Canadian), Miles Davis, Patti Smith, The Doors, Frank Zappa, the whole Woodstock culture, Beatnik poetry, Blues and and and..
Jim Morrison could not have sung "The end" for a Taliban audience.
But once again, I criticise people like Nixon, Bush, Rumsfeld, the foreign politics of the US in countries like Chile, Nicaragua, Vietnam and many others in the last decades.
Therefor I´m pro-Zappa and anti-Bush.

And another thing that I don´t like is the aggessiveness often turned against muslim people as such in the western media and populations. For example after the bombings in London or after the murder of Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands last autumn, people attacked Muslims on the streets and destroyed mosques. A so called "Holy war" is a terrible thing created by fundamentalists from both sides.