Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Just One of the Banes of Free Trade…

The European Union exported most of its banana’s from African and Caribbean countries. The export of bananas is a major source of revenue for these countries, which grow their bananas on small family run farms. Thus the markets of the industrialised nations of Europe were kept open to banana exports from these poorer nations. A September 1997 World Trade Organization (WTO) decision pressured by the US interprets the preference given to the African and Caribbean nations in the banana trade over huge multinational corporations like Del Monte, Chiquita and Dole as discriminatory and not giving the MNC’s a level playing field.These three corporations already control 2/3rds of the world trade in banana’s. Forcing Europe to practice ‘free trade’,which will guard the vested interests of these MNC’s, seems to be the sole aim of the U.S and the WTO (in this case and in numerous other cases).Without the preferential access to the European market the main source of income for thousands of farmers in African and Caribbean countries (such as Costa Rica and Panama)is threatened. The MNC’s can afford to sell the Banana’s at low prices and capture the European banana market. The economies of several countries in the African and Caribbean region would take a severe blow which could and invariably will cause large scale industrial, social and economic decline in these regions. The U.S and the W.T.O have imposed sanctions on the E.U thus pressurizing them to do trade with the giant multinationals in this business. This pressure has forced the E.U to not give preferencial treatment,and thus much needed aid to the African and Caribbean nations.


Sridhar said...

I did not understand one thing in this story. You had said that "the multinationals can afford to sell bananas cheaper than the African countries". If that's the case, why does the EU insist on paying more and buying from the African nations? EU is neither so generous nor socialist minded.

I guess that your piece does not reveal the full or all dimensions of the story.

Anonymous said...

according to the Lomé Convention which is a trade and aid agreement that the European Union first signed in 1975 with 48 African and Caribbean nations preferential trade to these countries as economic support was agreed upon.

Kanishkaa said...

Did the EU allow itself to be dictated upon? It seems as though they just gave in to the pressure from the WTO and the U.S.Did they feel any sympathy towards the Caribbean nations?Probably some resistance from the EU would have swung the deal the other way.Who knows.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to come across a piece of writing that simply and precisely touches upon an issue without getting lost in jargons.However,I would like to point out some errors that seem to mar this work:

1)The European Union exported most of its banana’s from African and Caribbean countries.--why the apostrophe following banana??You have made the same error in the next para-last line and also the apostrophe following MNC.

2)Forcing Europe to practice ‘free trade’,which will guard the wested--watch out for spelling errors--its vested and also dicriminatory.

I hope you don't think I am making trite observations.

Anonymous said...

I meant discriminatory--sorry ;)

Klingsor said...

I think the main problem is the ideology of the WTO that you should always have "free" trade. Probably it might work, if every company from each country would start with equal conditions. But definitely we have this huge inequality in the world, and therefor such liberalism is only the chance for the rich to become richer - and for the poor to get anything..
The whole concept of the WTO in using the word "discrimination" is such a sarcasm.. It is such a paradox, that some south African countries have to import sugar from the EU that is much cheaper than their own sugar - with the result that african farmers take the european sugar and are out of work.. Free trade?
Hasn´t it been similar with cotton in India before 1947?
Colonialism is dead - and the WTO does the best to establish market imperialism..

Krishna Kumar. S said...

I think... EU is the next avatar of William Shakespeare's Prospero of The Tempest fame. It is all about cultural and geo-political colonialism. From the Khyber-Bolan incursion of the Aryans to the Genghis Khans and the Muhameddans till date the Dominos Pizza Huts... how different is EU from that? How different is the religious colonialism from EUs self-proclaimed socialism? There's more to mull about this. May be an in-depth follow up is required, Sid.