Saturday, June 25, 2005

Everlasting Music

* He is the first Indian to have written a western classical symphony. The year is 1976.In a highway tea kadai(shop) somewhere in South India, the radio is playing a Hindi song. Somebody decides to change the frequency to the Tamil radio station to hear the day’s tidings. After the news a song going “machana parthingala?”is played. The people in the teashop sit spell bound by it. This could be a description of anywhere in southern India where music was being played at that time. *He is the first Asian to have performed at the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, of England. My father used to love this song Pongathave from Nilalgal.His singing this song to me is probably my first conscious memory of being mesmerized by Illayaraja’s music. From the pathos of ‘tenpandi chemayile’ to the mild jazz swing song ‘rambambam arambam’one did not have to be a conosier of music to appreciate the sheer genius and variety of this man’s oceanic music. *He has invented new ragas, Panchamukhi, being just one among them. As a boy growing up in Madras, other than the little of Bee Gees or Abba I had been exposed to, music literally meant Illayaraja.Can any of us who were kids at that time forget humming, with traces of malalai(baby talk)”Anjali…anjali…anjali’?After a few years when a new wave in the form of Allah Rakha Rehman had us all spellbound, I started rediscovering Raja’s music again. The sabbatical from listening to his music only made me value it further once I got back to it like a prodigal fan. *He introduced Digital music, synthesized music and track recording into the music industry in South India. After several years of exposure to his music I am still spellbound by its infinity.Now as an adult I am able to appreciate his works such as, “How to name It?” which I had not heard as a child. The only word to describe the fusion between western and eastern classical music in this album is magical. There are still innumerable works of Raja, Ost’s, albums such as Nothing But Wind and his devotional albums I have not listened to. This leaves me feeling excited.As I grow in life I can grow in my appreciation and love of Raja’s music. *He is the winner of multiple honorary doctorates at home and from abroad, and the recipient of several national and state awards. On the eve of,the release of his magnum opus,Tiruvasagam in Symphony, I have an earnest request to all lovers of music in India. We as a people have an uncanny knack of ignoring true genius when it is amongst us. We did not know to value Satyajit Ray in his lifetime or after. Stephen Spielberg or Yanni are more easily recognizable icons to the common Indian youngsters than Raja or Ray. Let us rectify this and make a beginning with Illayaraja and celebrate him when he is still very much present in flesh and blood.We owe this to the spirit of genius.


expertdabbler said...

absolutely my friend.

i wrote this sometime back. but yours was definitely better.

Krish said...

OT: I have blogrolled you :-)

Sridhar said...

Raja is arguably the greatest composer in India. I still dispute his claim of having written a symphony. But that doesn't take away his genius and for the umpteeth time let us leave the ARR vs. Raja comparisons to the uncouth.

Kanishkaa said...

I always preferred Raja to Rehman.All of us in this generation growing up would've been exposed to his music at some stage,particularly watching Oliyum Oliyum on Friday evenings .It's his background orchestra which stands out.My two favorite songs are "Ninnukkori"(Agni Nakshatram)and "Sundari"(Dalapathy).The list goes on...

Klingsor said...

Your article made me curious! I will watch out for Illayaraja´s music.

Anonymous said...

True ! I have been waiting for this to be released for a long time. Happy that his work is out finally.

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Great post and thanks for making me aware of your post. I loved it.

I have to admit here that I am a big fan of Ilayaraja. Infact IMHO anyone who was in the early teens when Raja started just fell head over heels in love with his music.

Your description of the 'Machanai Pathengla song' in the radio sent my thoughts spinning back to the days in 1976. Raja had arrived with a Bang. All of a sudden everyone else just vanished.! It was Raja..Raja Raja..everywhere. And he totally changed the style of music.

Your dad had it right. Poonkathave was a class act by Raja. Deepan Chakravarthy's first song...still is fresh..can't beat it. Nizhalgal 'pon Malai pozhudhu' was the top song in Srilankan Tamil Chevai..for a long long long time.!!!

How to name it, Nothing but wind etc...cemented IRaja...and took him way up the ladder.

I feel sad too...when I notice that some great people from India just go unnoticed.! Raja is one among them.

I am just like you...Though I didn't get the opportunity to see the June-30th function in chennai..I went and ordered the CD/DVD set from last week.

Ilayaraja to me is God of Music...Is it too high a praise..hi..why not...I love Raja..

And thanks for letting me know about the Raaga he invented..Panchamukhi...I didn't know about it.!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog.. Well written actually.. Got some nice facts out there.. I suggest u visit this page called ilaiyaragam in geocities.. There are some 10 articles on that page about his composing technique, styles and what not!! They're simply tooooooooo good.. I believe its been written by someone who was probably very close to him.. He's written abt IR's daily activities, routine etc. Worth reading.. Lots of very interesting facts too in that.. A must for any IR fan i'd say.. If u want some more info, you can join these yahoo groups - Maestromagic and Ilaiyaraja

And nice blog anyway..:-)