Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Shawshank Redemption

Directed By: Frank Darabont Starring: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman As I watched this film one recurrent thought was it is so obviously inspired by One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Even some of the main characters are like the ones in that movie. But don’t get me wrong. Inspiration is not plaigiarism. This movie has its own soul quite different to One Flew…Songs of the same raga may vary completely and the same is true of films depending on the director’s handling. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), a young banker is convicted of murder and sent to prison. Initially reserved by nature it takes time for his fellow inmates to accept him. A few notorious inmates abuse him. He befriends Red(Morgan Freeman),who is also the narrator. He buys some freedom within the confines of the prison, by assisting the guards and the corrupt warden, helping them evade tax and in laundering money. He brings about changes in the prison like greatly improving the prison library. Some of his unconventional activities like arranging for his pals to have beer and playing music via the prison loud speaker endear him to the inmates. A fresh convict comes in who claims that he met the real murderer of the crime Andy has been convicted of. Fearing that if this is true Andy will go free and reveal the corruption within, the warden arranges for the convict to be killed. Is Andy innocent? Does he regain his freedom? No spoilers! Watch the film!Tim Robbins as Andy stands out. His underplay at points is so pronounced that at times one forgets he is the protagonist! But it is his respect for screen grammar (not trying to compete with the other artists), which makes his performance memorable. I doubt this would have happened if he tried to dominate in every frame. The other performance that stands out is James Whitmore as Brooks, who has lived most of his life in prison and when sent out on parole unable to survive in the alien environment. Morgan Freeman as Red was ordinary. Overall, I would say The Shawshank Redemtion is one of the better Hollywood movies.

1 comment:

Kanishkaa said...

I'd say it's one of the BEST Hollywood movies ever made,givn the number of Oscar nominations.The story by Stephen King has so much realism, it makes you believe it's based on a true story.In my book,this is Morgan Freeman's best performance despite playing second fiddle to Robbins,who was equally moving in a rather subdued way as you meant.Warden Norton was impressive,despite playing a negative role.This story proves that intelligence is the best way to crawl out of any situation.Those who have seen this movie will know what I meant by that.